Yes it's tough if you try to implement Palette or multi select component in Tapestry5. I learned it the hard way, so thought of sharing it.
The example provided by Tapestry is using enum object. Practically we may need to create Select lists for any type of Object. Here find some sample code of one implementation for a users list
First the AssociateUsers.tml
Page Bean
public class AssociateUsers extends SessionContextPageImpl {
private ComponentResources resources;
private int selectedButton;
private List users;
private List initialAssociatedusers;
private Messages messages;
private TypeCoercer typeCoercer;
private SelectModelFactory selectModelFactory;
private int staffUserId;
private SelectModel userSelectModel;
private FriendManager frndMgr;
private UserManager userMgr;
private UserDashboard userDashboard;
private FullUserProfile userProfile;
public static final int SELECTED_BUTTON_CANCEL = -1;
public static final int SELECTED_BUTTON_SUBMIT = 1;
public void onActivate() throws Exception {
public void onActivate(int staffUserId) throws Exception {
this.staffUserId = staffUserId;
userProfile = userMgr.getUserProfileOfInvestor(staffUserId);
public List getUsers() {
return users;
public void setUsers(List selected) {
users = selected;
public SelectModel getUserModel() throws Exception {
return userSelectModel;
public void onSelectedFromCancel() {
void setupRender() throws Exception {
users = new ArrayList();
initialAssociatedusers = frndMgr.getPeopleListMutualFollowersForUser(staffUserId, getCurrentFirmId());
// invoke service to find all users in the firm
List usersSelectlist = frndMgr.getPeopleListByFirmId(getCurrentFirmId());
//add alredy associated users to list
for (FriendProfile profile : usersSelectlist) {
if (initialAssociatedusers.contains(profile)) {
//remove present Assign user from list
for (FriendProfile profile : usersSelectlist) {
if (profile.getUserId() == staffUserId) {
// create a SelectModel from my list of users
userSelectModel = selectModelFactory.create(usersSelectlist, "FullName");
public UserValueEncoder getUserEncoder() {
return new UserValueEncoder(typeCoercer, FriendProfile.class, frndMgr);
public Object onSubmitFromAssociateUsers() throws Exception {
switch (selectedButton) {
return userDashboard;
//your code based on the selected users
return userDashboard;
New Encoder class for your object. In my case it's a user object
public class UserValueEncoder implements ValueEncoder, ValueEncoderFactory{
private FriendManager friendMngr;
public String toClient(FriendProfile user) {
return String.valueOf(user.getUserId());
public UserValueEncoder(TypeCoercer typeCoerce, Class obj, FriendManager friendMngr) {
this.friendMngr = friendMngr;
public FriendProfile toValue(String id) {
try {
return friendMngr.getFriendProfileByUserId(Integer.parseInt(id));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public ValueEncoder create(Class type) {
return this;
App Module changes
public static void contributeValueEncoderSource(MappedConfiguration ValueEncoderFactory> configuration) {
configuration.addInstance(User.class, UserValueEncoder.class);
If you have any questions...please post it as comments.
The example provided by Tapestry is using enum object. Practically we may need to create Select lists for any type of Object. Here find some sample code of one implementation for a users list
First the AssociateUsers.tml
Page Bean
public class AssociateUsers extends SessionContextPageImpl {
private ComponentResources resources;
private int selectedButton;
private List
private List
private Messages messages;
private TypeCoercer typeCoercer;
private SelectModelFactory selectModelFactory;
private int staffUserId;
private SelectModel userSelectModel;
private FriendManager frndMgr;
private UserManager userMgr;
private UserDashboard userDashboard;
private FullUserProfile userProfile;
public static final int SELECTED_BUTTON_CANCEL = -1;
public static final int SELECTED_BUTTON_SUBMIT = 1;
public void onActivate() throws Exception {
public void onActivate(int staffUserId) throws Exception {
this.staffUserId = staffUserId;
userProfile = userMgr.getUserProfileOfInvestor(staffUserId);
public List
return users;
public void setUsers(List
users = selected;
public SelectModel getUserModel() throws Exception {
return userSelectModel;
public void onSelectedFromCancel() {
void setupRender() throws Exception {
users = new ArrayList
initialAssociatedusers = frndMgr.getPeopleListMutualFollowersForUser(staffUserId, getCurrentFirmId());
// invoke service to find all users in the firm
//add alredy associated users to list
for (FriendProfile profile : usersSelectlist) {
if (initialAssociatedusers.contains(profile)) {
//remove present Assign user from list
for (FriendProfile profile : usersSelectlist) {
if (profile.getUserId() == staffUserId) {
// create a SelectModel from my list of users
userSelectModel = selectModelFactory.create(usersSelectlist, "FullName");
public UserValueEncoder getUserEncoder() {
return new UserValueEncoder(typeCoercer, FriendProfile.class, frndMgr);
public Object onSubmitFromAssociateUsers() throws Exception {
switch (selectedButton) {
return userDashboard;
//your code based on the selected users
return userDashboard;
New Encoder class for your object. In my case it's a user object
public class UserValueEncoder implements ValueEncoder
private FriendManager friendMngr;
public String toClient(FriendProfile user) {
return String.valueOf(user.getUserId());
public UserValueEncoder(TypeCoercer typeCoerce, Class
this.friendMngr = friendMngr;
public FriendProfile toValue(String id) {
try {
return friendMngr.getFriendProfileByUserId(Integer.parseInt(id));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public ValueEncoder
return this;
App Module changes
public static void contributeValueEncoderSource(MappedConfiguration
configuration.addInstance(User.class, UserValueEncoder.class);
If you have any questions...please post it as comments.