Apple debuted the new iPad 2 Wednesday March 2nd. Apple chief executive Steve Jobs, who is taking a leave of absence from the company, returned to unveil the product. He helmed the product roll-out wagon of Apple execs to show off the revamped tablet and take a few jabs at the competition.
Here come the details of the new iPad 2:
- Dual-core A5 processor
- Dimensions: 9.5 by 7.31 by 0.34 inches
- 1,024x768 Resolution
- 8.8mm thickness—33% thinner than original and thinner than an iPhone 4
- Weight: 1.3 pounds (Wi-Fi-only), 1.33 pounds (Wi-Fi + 3G)
- iOS 4.3 + Facetime & Photobooth
- HDMI video-out
- Rear and front facing cameras
- Gyroscope technology
- 10 hours of battery life
- Available in black and white (white shipping from day 1)
- Pricing is same as original: $499 for the 16GB version, $599 for the 32GB model, and $699 for the 64GB model. 3G-enabled models come at a $130 premium.
- “Smart cover” that uses magnets available for $39 (plastic) or $69 (leather).
- Release Date: March 11
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