Sunday 17 April 2011

Kochi Tuskers Kerala has arrived !

Kochi Tuskers Kerala shock Mumbai Indians ! That was indeed a real shock for sachin and co.  Kudos to Jayawardene and team for that fantastic win. I rate this match as one of the best entertainer for this season of IPL. Another Sachin ton failed to make it to a win. I was expecting a headline "vambanmarey kombil korthu" from manorama. Sadly there were no news paper next day as it was the day after the Vishu holiday.

The scorecard says it all for the Kochi Tuskers fan's to rejoice. Now the fans turnout on the huge Nehru stadium should definitely improve.

Now Tuskers are gearing up for the next upset, this time it's Dhoni's chennai. Let's see whats in store for us. Go Kochi go.....